Results for 'James A. Goldston'

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  1. Journal of The Cognitive Science Society.Robert L. Goldstone, John R. Anderson, Nick Chater, Andy Clark, Shimon Edelman, Kenneth Forbus, Dedre Gentner, Raymond W. Gibbs Jr, James Greeno & Robert A. Jacobs - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (3).
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  2. Epistemic virtue.James A. Montmarquet - 1987 - Mind 96 (384):482-497.
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    Everyday moral issues experienced by managers.James A. Waters, Frederick Bird & Peter D. Chant - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (5):373 - 384.
    Based on the results of open ended interviews with managers in a variety of organizational positions, moral questions encountered in everyday managerial life are described. These involve transactions with employees, peers and superiors, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. It is suggested that managers identify transactions as involving personal moral concern when they believe that a moral standard has a bearing on the situation and when they experience themselves as having the power to affect the transaction. This is the first in (...)
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  4. The moral dimension of organizational culture.James A. Waters & Frederick Bird - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (1):15 - 22.
    The lack of concrete guidance provided by managerial moral standards and the ambiguity of the expectations they create are discussed in terms of the moral stress experienced by many managers. It is argued that requisite clarity and feelings of obligation with respect to moral standards derive ultimately from public discussion of moral issues within organizations and from shared public agreement about appropriate behavior. Suggestions are made about ways in which the moral dimension of an organization's culture can be more effectively (...)
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  5. The research subject as wage earner.James A. Anderson & Charles Weijer - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (4-5):359-376.
    The practice of paying research subjects for participating inclinical trials has yet to receive an adequate moral analysis.Dickert and Grady argue for a wage payment model in whichresearch subjects are paid an hourly wage based on that ofunskilled laborers. If we accept this approach, what follows?Norms for just working conditions emerge from workplacelegislation and political theory. All workers, includingpaid research subjects under Dickert and Grady''s analysis,have a right to at least minimum wage, a standard work week,extra pay for overtime hours, (...)
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  6. Semantic pathology and the open pair.James A. Woodbridge & Bradley Armour-Garb - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):695–703.
    In Vagueness and Contradiction (2001), Roy Sorensen defends and extends his epistemic account of vagueness. In the process, he appeals to connections between vagueness and semantic paradox. These appeals come mainly in Chapter 11, where Sorensen offers a solution to what he calls the no-no paradox—a “neglected cousin” of the more famous liar—and attempts to use this solution as a precedent for an epistemic account of the sorites paradox. This strategy is problematic for Sorensen’s project, however, since, as we establish, (...)
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    Metaphysical presuppositions and scientific practices: Reductionism and organicism in cancer research.James A. Marcum - 2005 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19 (1):31 – 45.
    Metaphysical presuppositions are important for guiding scientific practices and research. The success of twentieth-century biology, for instance, is largely attributable to presupposing that complex biological processes are reducible to elementary components. However, some biologists have challenged the sufficiency of reductionism for investigating complex biological phenomena and have proposed alternative presuppositions like organicism. In this article, contemporary cancer research is used as a case study to explore the importance of metaphysical presuppositions for guiding research. The predominant paradigm directing cancer research is (...)
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    Edinburgh Lamarckians: Robert Jameson and Robert E. Grant.James A. Secord - 1991 - Journal of the History of Biology 24 (1):1 - 18.
  9. Emotion in human consciousness is built on core affect.James A. Russell - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (8-10):26-42.
    This article explores the idea that Core Affect provides the emotional quality to any conscious state. Core Affect is the neurophysiological state always accessible as simply feeling good or bad, energized or enervated, even if it is not always the focus of attention. Core Affect, alone or more typically combined with other psychological processes, is found in the experiences of feeling, mood and emotion, including the subjective experiences of fear, anger and other so-called basic emotions which are commonly thought to (...)
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    The shadow of Macintyre's manager in the kingdom of conscience constrained.James A. H. S. Hine - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (4):358–371.
    This article addresses the issue of moral compunction among a sample of senior managers set against the background of their routine organizational participation. In considering what factors influence their moral sensibilities these managers were interviewed using an approach designed to elicit their perceptions concerning both the ethical and commercially imperative dimensions of their working lives. The qualitative data resulting from this inquiry, while tentative, indicates the primacy of the normative appeal of shareholder value, conditioned by the exigencies of engagement in (...)
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  11. The Evolving Notion and Role of Kuhn’s Incommensurability Thesis.James A. Marcum - 2015 - In William J. Devlin & Alisa Bokulich, Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions - 50 Years On. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 311. Springer.
  12. (1 other version)The dialogue of the soul with itself.James A. Blachowicz - 1997 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (5-6):485-508.
    What is the cognitive significance of talking to ourselves? I criticize two interpretations of this function , and offer a third: I argue that inner speech is a genuine dialogue, not a monologue; that the partners in this dialogue represent the independent interests of experienced meaning and logical articulation; that the former is either silent or capable only of abbreviated speech; that articulation is a logical, not a social demand; and that neither partner is a full-time subordinate of the other. (...)
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    Attending to ethics in management.James A. Waters & Frederick Bird - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (6):493 - 497.
    Based on analysis of interviews with managers about the ethical questions they face in their work, a typology of morally questionable managerial acts is developed. The typology distinguishes acts committed against-the-firm (non-role and role-failure acts) from those committed on-behalf-of-the-firm (role-distortion and role-as-sertion acts) and draws attention to the different nature of the four types of acts. The argument is made that senior management attention is typically focused on the types of acts which are least problematical for most managers, and that (...)
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  14. Leibniz' binary system and Shao Yong's "yijing".James A. Ryan - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (1):59-90.
    The Yijing/Binary System Episode involved Leibniz' discovery of a de facto representation of the binary number system in the sixty-four-hexagram Fu Xi "Yijing." Scholars have left the match unexplained, since they have found no evidence of a forgotten binary number system in ancient China. The interesting similarities and differences are discussed between the thought of Leibniz and that of Shao Yong, both of whom, it is argued, understood and recognized the importance of the double geometric progression in the diagram.
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    Linguistic puzzles and semantic pretence.James A. Woodbridge & Bradley Armour-Garb - 2009 - In Sarah Sawyer, New waves in philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 250-284.
    In this paper, we set out what we see as a novel, and very promising, approach to resolving a number of the familiar linguistic puzzles that provide philosophy of language with much of its subject matter. The approach we promote postulates semantic pretense at work where these puzzles arise. We begin by briefly cataloging the relevant dilemmas. Then, after introducing the pretense approach, we indicate how it promises to handle these putatively intractable problems. We then consider a number of objections (...)
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  16. Culpable ignorance and excuses.James A. Montmarquet - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 80 (1):41-49.
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    On doing good: The right and the wrong way.James A. Montmarquet - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy 79 (8):439-455.
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    Predictive Genomic Testing of Children for Adult Onset Disorders: A Canadian Perspective.Michael J. Szego, M. Stephen Meyn, James A. Anderson, Robin Hayeems, Cheryl Shuman, Nasim Monfared, Sarah Bowdin & Randi Zlotnik Shaul - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (3):19-21.
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    Schwartz on reference.James A. Nelson - 1982 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):359-365.
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    "Pure" versus "practical" epistemic justification.James A. Montmarquet - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (1):71–87.
    In this article I distinguish a type of justification that is "epistemic" in pertaining to the grounds of one's belief, and "practical" in its connection to what act(s) one may undertake, based on that belief. Such justification, on the proposed account, depends mainly on the proportioning of "inner epistemic virtue" to the "outer risks" implied by one's act. The resulting conception strikes a balance between the unduly moralistic conception of William Clifford and contemporary naturalist virtue theories.
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  21. Moral relativism and the argument from disagreement.James A. Ryan - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (3):377–386.
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    Medical Cure and Progress: The Case of Type-1 Diabetes.James A. Marcum - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (2):176-188.
    What is medical progress? The answer to this question is often associated with advances in diagnostic technology, with greater understanding of disease or pathological mechanisms particularly at the molecular level, or with the discovery of drugs and the developmental of surgical procedures to treat diseases. However, this facile answer can be problematic. In a New York Times Magazine article, for example, Lisa Sanders (2003) recounts a lecture delivered to her first-year class, at a "white-coat" ceremony, by the medical school dean. (...)
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    Pure process(es)?James A. McGilvray - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 43 (2):243 - 251.
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    Cognitive-contingency theory and the study of ethics in accounting.James A. Schweikart - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (5-6):471 - 478.
    Ethics research in Accounting has not proceeded beyond the descriptive level while, at the same time, ethics is a vital part of accounting decisions to the point where professional codes of etherics are necessary. A theoretical model is offered using cognitive and contingency (field) theories to gain insight into how ethical considerations enter into accounting decisions. Propositions are generated so that the use of ethics in accounting decisions can be predicted.
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    Ethics Across the Curriculum: A Practice-Based Approach.Michael Boylan & James A. Donahue - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    Philosopher Michael Boylan and theologian James A. Donahue provide a framework_compatible with humanist and theist beliefs_that will enable college and university professors to address a full range of ethical issues as they arise in classroom discussion, both in the academic disciplines and in professional education.
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  26. On the innateness of language.James A. McGilvray - 2006 - In Robert Stainton, Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 97--112.
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    Hydrilla, a new noxious aquatic weed in California.Richard R. Yeo, W. B. McHenry, Howard Ferris, Michael V. McKenry, Robert M. Boardman, Sherman V. Thomson, Milton N. Schroth, William J. Moller, Wilbur O. Reil & James A. Beutel - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Characterizing Early Maternal Style in a Population of Guide Dogs.Emily E. Bray, Mary D. Sammel, Dorothy L. Cheney, James A. Serpell & Robert M. Seyfarth - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    An Interview with Donald Mitchell and James Wiseman.Donald W. Mitchell & James A. Wiseman - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):197-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 197-201 [Access article in PDF] An Interview with Donald Mitchell and James Wiseman The 2002 Fred Streng Book Award has been given to Donald W. Mitchell and James Wiseman for their edited collection, The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics. Donald W. Mitchell is professor of comparative philosophy at Purdue University and a member of the (...)
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    Systems theory and evolutionary models of the development of science.James A. Blachowicz - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (2):178-199.
    Philosophers of science have used various formulations of the "random mutation--natural selection" scheme to explain the development of scientific knowledge. But the uncritical acceptance of this evolutionary model has led to substantive problems concerning the relation between fact and theory. The primary difficulty lies in the fact that those who adopt this model (Popper and Kuhn, for example) are led to claim that theories arise chiefly through the processes of relatively random change. Systems theory constitutes a general criticism of this (...)
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    An ethical decision-making model for operational psychology.James A. Stephenson & Mark A. Staal - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (1):61 – 82.
    Operational psychology is an emerging subdiscipline that has enhanced the U.S. military's combat capabilities during the Global War on Terrorism. What makes this subdiscipline unique is its use of psychological principles and skills to improve a commander's decision making as it pertains to conducting combat (or related operations). Due to psychology's expanding role in combat support, psychologists are being confronted with challenges that require the application of their professional ethics in areas in which little if any guidance has been provided. (...)
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  32. Reid on Hume on Justice.James A. Harris - 2009 - In Sabine Roeser, Reid on ethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  33. To color.James A. McGilvray - 1983 - Synthese 54 (January):37-70.
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  34. Ways of explaining properties.Daniel Heussen & James A. Hampton - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 143--148.
    Most explanations are either about events (why things happen), or about properties (why objects have the enduring characteristics that they do). Explanations of events have been studied extensively in philosophy and psychology, whereas the explanations of properties have received little or no attention in the literature. The present study is an exploration of the ways in which we explain various types of properties. Ten participants provided explanations of 45 properties by completing sentences of the form: “Xs have p because…” where (...)
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    Are there truth functional connectives?James A. Martin - 1973 - Metaphilosophy 4 (3):187–204.
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    (1 other version)Is foundationalism indefinable?James A. Martin - 1988 - Metaphilosophy 19 (2):128–142.
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    Castañeda on agency.James A. Montmarquet - 1988 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (4):733-743.
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    Representing consumer interests: The case of american health planning.James A. Morone & Theodore R. Marmor - 1981 - Ethics 91 (3):431-450.
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  39. Conservatism and coherentism in Aristotle, confucius, and mencius.James A. Ryan - 2001 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 28 (3):275–284.
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    Boethius: The consolations of music, logic, theology, and philosophy.James A. Weisheipl - 1985 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (1):101-103.
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    Materialism and consumer ethics: An exploratory study. [REVIEW]James A. Muncy & Jacqueline K. Eastman - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (2):137-145.
    As the issue of marketing's social responsibility grows in significance, the topic of materialism surfaces. While many marketing efforts encourage materialism, the materialism that is encouraged may have negative societal effects. An understanding of the effects of materialism on individuals, families, society, etc., is important in evaluating whether or not it is socially irresponsible for marketers to encourage materialism. However, the adequate empirical work has not yet been done on the overall effects of materialism. The current paper asks and addresses (...)
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    Incomplete archaeologies: knowledge in the past and present.Emily Miller Bonney, Kathryn J. Franklin & James A. Johnson (eds.) - 2016 - Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
    Incomplete Archaeologies takes a familiar archaeological concept--assemblages--and reconsiders such groupings, collections and sets of things from the perspective of the work required to assemble them. The discussions presented here engage with the practices of collection, construction, performance and creation in the past (and present) which constitute the things and groups of things studied by archaeologists--and examine as well how these things and thing-groups are dismantled, rearranged, and even destroyed, only to be rebuilt and recreated. The ultimate aim is to reassert (...)
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    The sensorimotor contingency of multisensory localization correlates with the conscious percept of spatial unity.Gwendolyn E. Roberson, Mark T. Wallace & James A. Schirillo - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):1001-1002.
    Two cross-modal experiments provide partial support for O'Regan & Noë's (O&N's) claim that sensorimotor contingencies mediate perception. Differences in locating a target sound accompanied by a spatially disparate neutral light correlate with whether the two stimuli were perceived as spatially unified. This correlation suggests that internal representations are necessary for conscious perception, which may also mediate sensorimotor contingencies.
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    Thinking Through the Wissenschaftslehre: Themes from Fichte's Early Philosophy.James A. Clarke - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (5):1006-1009.
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    The Not-So-Golden Rule.James A. Gould - 1963 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):10-14.
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    Thoughts on Randall E. Auxier, "Royce's 'Conservatism'".James A. Good - 2007 - The Pluralist 2 (2):56 - 62.
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    Response to Davis.James A. Keller - 1990 - Faith and Philosophy 7 (1):112-116.
  48. The semantic structure of evolutionary biology as an argument against intelligent design.James A. T. Lancaster - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):26-46.
    Abstract. This paper examines the impact of two formalizations of evolutionary biology on the antiselectionist critiques of the Intelligent Design (ID) movement. It looks first at attempts to apply the syntactic framework of the physical sciences to biology in the twentieth century, and to their effect upon the ID movement. It then examines the more heuristic account of biological-theory structure, namely, the semantic model. Finally, it concludes by advocating the semantic conception and emphasizing the problems that the semantic model creates (...)
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    British Neo-Realists.James A. McWilliams - 1929 - New Scholasticism 3 (3):296-308.
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    The Natural Sciences.James A. McWilliams - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (3):254-257.
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